Pinpointing the Top Brands for Hunting and Camping in the USA
We are a small customer-centric company that specializes in gear for hunting and t-shirts to display our love for this God’s Country. Year after year we hear reviews from our Customers about the products we offer. Keeping all those suggestions in mind and the need to grow progressively, we have partnered with She Hunts Skill Camp.
The goal of “She Hunts” camp is to share passion and knowledge for hunting with other women in order to help them develop hunting skills and become the hunter they wish to be. She Hunts Skill Camp covers rifle hunting, shotgunning and bow hunting!
We love that more and more women are getting out in the field and are learning strong skills.
- Gun Handling, Safety, Maintenance
- Bullet Basics
- Shot Placement
- Archery
- Long Range Shooting
- Mounting Scope / Box & Bore Sighting / Range Sight In
- Shotgun Shooting
- Dangerous Game with double barrel Krieghoff rifle
- Shooting Rest Methods
- Conservation and Hunting Ethics
- Field Dressing / Butchering
- Wild Game Cooking Tutorial
- Stalking
- Wilderness Survival
- Sunset game drives
It’s about empowerment, support, friendships, and fun! Everyday more and more women are setting goals to learn how to shoot with that have discovered a new confidence in themselves which totally improves all areas of their lives.
Buckwild Gear is proud to have partnered with She Hunts Skill Camp.